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Corporate Documentary

Corporate Documentary: Share your brand story



What is a Corporate Documentary?

Every business has a story to tell. A corporate documentary or sales documentary is a great way to express that story and really connect with your clients and staff. Add depth and authenticity to your business’s image. Show your audience exactly what your business is about, where it’s from and where it’s heading.

You and your staff can share in the experience of creating the documentary. Using staff in your video rather than paid professional actors will help to reduce the cost of your corporate documentary. The brand film will also come across as being more authentic and believable. A corporate documentary will also be far more entertaining and enjoyable for your audience, rather than having a hard-sell ad or dry business outline on your website.

Some key benefits of a corporate documentary are:

  1. Building emotional connections to your business. For you audience and for your staff.
  2. Give true authenticity and trustworthiness to your brand.
  3. Using your staff to tell the story will save you time and money by not having to hire actors. You will also allow your staff to feel a sense of ownership with the businesses image.
  4. Convert your passion for the business into an engaging and powerful marketing tool.

A corporate documentary needs care, attention and a strong team in order to achieve the best results. The team at Dream Engine will use their experience and skill to make sure your video is of the highest quality and integrity. With the right questions and the right tone, we will deliver a corporate documentary that will show the passion behind the business.

To learn more about corporate documentaries, get in touch with us.

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